Let me just start off by saying that I think it is ridiculous that the military of all things does not get paid. Also, some of my best friends are at the Air Force and Naval Academies and everything was just made that much more complicated because they do not have a lot of services and some of their classes were even postponed for the shut down.
So where does the public go from here? Clearly the evidence shows that the general consensus is that people are opposed to the shut down. For starters, people should get a real grasp on what exactly is going on. Often times, people try to speak their minds on issues that they really do not know much about. Point and case, the Jimmy Kimmel video. Everyone seemed so opinionated when the fact of the matter is that they really did not know the facts. I do not know who exactly was polled in the different polls that have been floating around, but assuming that they were taken the correct way, the general population seems to know what they want, correct information or not. However, to be perfectly honest, it seems like the government does not really care what the general population has to say. They seem to be so wrapped up in their own agenda or the agenda of their party that they have forgotten that they were elected by the people and for the people. If the people that oppose this all made their opinions known through mediums other than simply polls, there would be a lot better chance of making a change than just staying quiet and grumbling to themselves. There is power in numbers people! Imagine if everyone that is opposed to the shutdown mailed, emailed, or just found some way to get to their representative, how much of a difference that might make. Anything is better than inaction when it comes to such a large scale issue such as a government shut down. People need to band together if they really want change. We can start by getting the idea of letting our representatives know in large numbers out there. If society organizes and makes a solid plan, the task becomes easier and more attainable. At this point, anything that people can do to get their well educated opinions out there can only be positive. We are in this situation already so it probably cannot get much worse. Social media can also be another way of getting the public's opinion across. It is so widely used that eventually someone in Congress is bound to see it. The people that are opposed to this shutdown, which seems to be a decent amount of the country, just need to make an effort to get their point across, regardless of what that effort is. If people think it will help things then they should go for it. At the end of the day, it is the public's decision on whether or not they want to speak up and try to get what they want.
I agree with what you are talkin about, the government does not really care about what the general population has to say...i agree bescuse i believe the common people in the end lack representation in a congress filled with predominantly white, rich people.