Thursday, August 29, 2013

I found this picture online and I would definitely classify it as underground/indie/non-mainstream. It is just too out there to be considered anything else. It is a mixture of so many different aspects of art and culture but none of it is super mainstream. It seems like it is trying to make a point of the various societal infatuations by putting them in a setting that is so out there and almost satirical that really makes the audience think about the true meaning of the piece. Parts such as the man in the super hero uniform and the lady that is an alien display different interests of the respective areas. Those details by themselves would not make this picture non-mainstream, but the combination of all the different details is what makes it so out there. First off, it is not too frequently that one would find both super heroes and aliens portrayed in the same piece. It is truly the little details that make this picture so non-mainstream. The details such as the man's tattoo that says "Born to Lose," the bandaid, and the woman in a not so conservative outfit are definitely not something you see everyday. Most people would not even think of a tattoo that says "Born to Lose." It is also interesting that the artist decided to give the man in the super hero costume a bandaid and stitches because super heroes are generally thought of as invincible. The cigarette also adds another level of oddness because super heroes are generally thought to be wholesome and good. The woman in some rather revealing clothing is also a little off-putting because usually a comic does not display that side of society. Ultimately, this piece is just too odd to be considered anything but non-mainstream.

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